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Liz Inman

UTSG Working On To-Do List

With fall semester rapidly coming to a close, UT Student Government is slowing making progress on its to-do list. Lucas Will and Tanner Schultz, UTSG President and Vice President, respectively, have also been working to make good on their campaign promises.

As of October UTSG had increased its cap for senators by 60 percent and filled all 80 available seats, which leads to a stronger student voice, according to officials. UTSG plays a key role in bringing student concerns to the University administration directly.

At the University of Toledo Board of Trustees meeting on September 27, representatives from UTSG discussed their initiatives for the remainder of the school year, including a proposal from Student Senator Thomas Rega to expand the University’s Sustainability Committee.

“Rega’s initiative is connecting student organizations together to work with the UToledo Green Fund to allow students to make decisions on where this funding is going,” Will said. “We want to promote the sustainable initiatives that students want.”

UTSG also hosted a parking Q&A in October to allow students and staff to voice their parking concerns and receive feedback from administrators. It also created a new parking committee that consists of eight students. The committee will meet with Park UToledo on a monthly basis to discuss parking concerns. Chaired by Aesha Patel, the committee will hold its first meeting Dec. 1.

UTSG is also working alongside the International Student Association to update any outdated country flags on display in the Carlson Library. They have plans to continue fostering a connection with identity-based organizations on campus and have recently appointed Makenzie Moman as the Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Spring semster will bring formal meetings with these organizations to address concerns and improve the campus community.

Also for spring semester, similar Q&A meetings will be held to address dining hall concerns and campus safety with UTPD.

Student leaders also discussed the fluctuating involvement of students and organizations on campus.

“Post COVID involvement is increasing, so student organizations need to be prepared and think bigger,” Schultz said. “There should be a focus on connectedness and collaboration to communicate with each other and work together, have fun together, and increase the campus community.”

With over 450 active student organizations and recording breaking attendance at sporting events, it seems that UT students are getting involved more than ever before, officials said.

“I have always felt proud to be a Rocket, but it is so much more rewarding to see that sense of pride being instilled in others for the first time,” says Will.

A key focus of UTSG looking forward is creating connections between student and local government through the Government Relations Committee. In March 2024, a meet and greet with elected officials will be held for students to interact with their local government and learn about the impact they have in their community.

Students are encouraged to contact UTSG with concerns, comments, and questions. For more information, email or stop by the UTSG office in Student Union 3512. General body meetings are held every Tuesday at 8:15 p.m. in Student Union room 2592. Students and staff are welcome to attend.

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